Where are all the tents?

Normally I would have spent the last few weeks obsessively checking the weather. Is it going to rain? Is it going to be too hot? Or, the worst, is it going to be terrifyingly windy?

As it turns out this weekend is perfect for an outdoor show. In fact, THE most perfect it has been in the last 15 years that I’ve been exhibiting. It’s such a shame that instead of being in in a tent in a park with you I’ll be sat on my deck with a cold beer. While I’m enjoying my cold beverage I’ll be checking out what my fellow local artists have been up to, because all outdoor shows will be online this year!!! That’s right, you don’t have to miss out! You can still catch up with everyone.

Hours: Whenever you like.
Dress code: Whatever you like. Pyjamas optional.
Venue: Wherever you like.

I always complain and moan about setting up an outdoor show. Schlepping a heavy tent, table, unwieldy paintings and all the accompanying stuff that goes with a show across a huge park is not for the faint hearted.

But I promise I won’t complain again. But don’t quote me on that. I’ll miss meeting up with my fellow artists who I haven’t seen since the last big show. I’ll miss chatting to the lovely people who take time to stop by and look at what I do. I’ll miss catching up with old clients who come to cheer me on and swap stories about what has happened over the last year. I’ll miss the food, I usually do shows that have really good eateries nearby.

It’s only temporary, I know that, it won’t be long before we can all get together and complain about the weather over some Ed’s ice cream or a local coffee. Until then, here’s a video interview I gave as part of the Riverdale Art Walk. I get a chance to talk a little about my new work.

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